Understand What You Need To Know About Salesforce CRM Tutorial
If you need to understand the basics of salesforce, a tutorial will provide all of the information that you need in order to get started. Salesforce.com has quickly become of the most of the leading CRM software in the industry. Some of the benefits of using this software are:
- It operates on the force platform
- It is cost effective for software development
- Applications can be completed in a short amount of time
Salesforce is considered cloud technology, and since it is available in cloud format there is no need to install any extra software. There is also no need for additional hardware, which is also explained in a Salesforce CRM tutorial. This software allows users to quickly develop their own applications. However, they can also choose to purchase one from the exchange.
Users will also enjoy the availability of updating the software several times throughout the year. These updates are typically released in the summer, winter and spring. The good news is that your software will not lose any functionality during these updates, and your software will be updated with new features.
The History Of Salesforce
Salesforce.com was originally launched in the late 1990’s. It was developed to be CRM software. The software was developed by Mark Benioff.
Understanding CRM
CRM is an application model that is commonly used to manage a company’s interactions with customers and prospects such as:
- Social media
- Phone calls
- Meetings
- Conferences
- Emails
- Customer support
- Sales
- Marketing
It is also common to see Salesforce.com abbreviated as SFDC.
Configuring Salesforce
When UI is used for configuration, applications can easily be developed in Salesforce. There are several things that you can customize and configure with the right Salesforce CRM tutorial:
- Objects and tabs
- Formula fields
- Page layouts
- Search layouts
- Reports
- Import leads
- Import accounts
Understanding Visualforce
Visualforce is simply the language that is used to define the components of the user interface in Salesforce. This tool is also used on the force platform. When you use a page layout, you can quickly and easily configure the interface. However, when you use Visualforce, you can develop an interface that is customized.
How A Salesforce CRM Tutorial And Training Can Help The End User
The best tutorial will be one that will increase the odds that end users can successfully implement the application. There are several ways that a tutorial can increase your company’s chances of success.
Tutorials can be geared toward each user’s role in the company. For example, managers will not need to understand how to convert a prospect into a sale. However, they will need to understand how to run the reports that they need.
You can also choose to combine the tutorial with a scenario type of training. It is not as important for your end users to understand all of the functions of the features as much as they need to understand when to use these functions. Use a real world example in combination with tutorial to help your staff.
The staff can also work together in different teams and use the tutorial to understand how they can work together to successfully use Salesforce. Once other end users see that managers understand the value of the software, they will be less likely to think that the tutorial and training does not offer any benefits.
It can be difficult to get end user adoption with Salesforce. Fortunately, a combination of training and Salesforce CRM tutorial can increase the rates in which end users adapt to the software.